Welcome to this page which is a tribute to the Canadian
World War Two minesweeper
HMCS Bras d'Or
and the men who served on her. When Canada declared war on Germany
on September 10th, 1939, the
Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) was tiny in size
and possessed only a few ships. There was a
desperate need for naval vessels to undertake the many duties involved
in protecting Canada's coastline, but until Canadian shipyards began producing
new minesweepers and corvettes later in the war, the RCN had to make do with
whatever ships they could find. Along with fishing trawlers from the
Fisherman's Reserve
the navy requisitioned a collection of ships
from such sources as the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police, various government departments and even
obliging owners of private luxury yachts.
One of the new vessels-- a government-owned lightship in her civilian career --
was converted into
the minesweeper
(His Majesty's Canadian Ship)
Bras d'Or
Built to WWI-era plans, the 265-ton trawler had been
in government service for 13 years when World War Two
began. She was named
Bras d'Or after
Bras d'Or Lake, the arm of the Atlantic Ocean
which nearly cuts the island of
Cape Breton,
Nova Scotia in two.
The famous inventor Alexander Graham Bell
had his summer home at
Baddeck on the shore of
Bras d'Or Lake. In 1917
Bell and one of his partners,
F. W. Baldwin,
began testing their fast new
hydrofoil watercraft, the
on the waters of the lake.
Photo Courtesy of: The Canadian Naval Chronicle 1939-1945 by
Commander Fraser McKee and Captain Robert Darlington.
Vanwell Publishing: St. Catharine's, Ontario, c1996.
Unable to spare members of its permanent
navy to command the newly converted vessels,
the RCN looked instead to skilled seamen
from the
Fisherman's Reserve
and Merchant (Mercantile) Marine
to provide captains and officers whenever possible.
To fill the other positions on board
these new
naval auxiliaries, the RCN relied on
the thousands of
enthusiastic young men who volunteered to join the
navy from all across Canada.
The duties undertaken by auxiliaries were varied --
Bras d'Or,
for example, found herself practising minesweeping,
escorting local merchant ships, patrolling for enemy submarines
and even capturing an enemy freighter, the Italian
Capo Noli,
when Italy declared war against the Allies on June 10th, 1940.
On the night of October 19th, 1940, only
four months after her celebrated capture of Capo Noli,
Bras d'Or
was on routine patrol duty in the
St. Lawrence River
when she was ordered to escort
a Rumanian freighter,
Ingener N. Vlassopol
Baie Comeau,
Quebec to the
port of Sydney,
Nova Scotia.
Sydney, situated on Cape Breton Island,
was the port
where the slower merchant
ships assembled before they set out in convoy
for the United Kingdom. Romania had just recently
been occupied by German troops, and the Canadian authorities
wanted to make sure that Ingener N. Vlassopol
didn't slip away to deliver her cargo to an enemy country.
The two ships travelled down river together but in the
Gulf of St. Lawrence
they ran into a terrible storm and heavy seas which eventually
separated them.
The little minesweeper and the thirty men aboard her
disappeared into the storm and in spite of rigorous
searching efforts no trace was ever found of
The following newspaper clipping from a
Montreal, Quebec newspaper
would have been the first
information released to the public about the suspected loss
of HMCS Bras d'Or.
The four men whose photos are shown --
Lieutenant (Engineering)
Malcolm Cumming,
age 45; Telegraphist Ib Korning, age 19;
Able Seaman
Joseph Emile Richard Pelletier, age 33;
and Ordinary Signalman
John Joseph Stasin, age 20 --
all came from
the Montreal area. Bras d'Or's commanding officer,
Lieutenant Charles A. Hornsby came
from Halifax, Nova Scotia.
The following two
clippings focus on the minesweeper's
Engineer Lieutenant
Malcolm Cumming of
Verdun, Quebec.
Malcolm's nephew,
Bill Lavery,
has made all these clippings
available in the hope that they will
help put a human face on the tragedy.
Malcolm Cumming's parents lived in
Westbrook, Maine,
and this article is from a Westbrook newspaper.
Portland is a nearby city.
During the war the shipyard at South Portland
built many Liberty Ships, one of which,
SS Jeremiah O'Brien is a living memorial now berthed at San
In order to differentiate the old permanent navy personnel
from the new volunteer wartime-only sailors, the navy
used the terms
Royal Canadian Naval Reserve
(RCNR) for reservists
who like Malcolm Cumming and C.A. Hornsby had previous seamanship
For the others who had little or no experience, but who soon formed the
the navy used the term
Royal Canadian Navy Volunteer Reserve
The RCNVR officers wore wavy gold bands on their uniform cuffs
because they so greatly outnumbered the other RCN and RCNR officers,
this wartime Canadian navy came to be dubbed the "Wavy Navy".
HMCS Bras d'Or
was not the only
vessel to be lost in the St. Lawrence during World War Two.
Between May 1942 and November 1944 in what historians
now refer to as the
"Battle of the Gulf of St.
Lawrence", a total of 19 merchant ships
and 4 naval ships
were sunk in the St. Lawrence River and Gulf by a few German U-boats.
At least 340 people -- 136 of them aboard the Newfoundland ferry
SS Caribou --
died as a result of these attacks.
In the years following the war the sacrifice
of the little minesweeper
Bras d'Or was not forgotten
and in 1961 the
Canadian Navy christened its revolutionary new hydrofoil
HMCS Bras d'Or.
By choosing the name Bras D'Or the Navy paid tribute to
Bell and Baldwin's earlier hydrofoil, the HD-4,
and honoured the memory of the first
HMCS Bras d'Or
and her gallant men.
Walter G. Armes
George W. Brenton
Walter J. Brown
Joseph P.L. Burton
Harold G. Chaddock
Harold G. Clancy
Elward R. Conrad
Malcolm Cumming
Joseph F. D'Entremont
William J. Doherty
Gerald K. Ellis
Gilbert B. Gordon
John W. Hacker
Leonard Hill
Walter M. Hillier
Charles A. Hornsby
Hugh J.F. Jones
William D. Keating
Ib Korning
Clarence L. May
Harry Murphy
Joseph E.R. Pelletier
Guy D. Pettipas
Herman Ruel
John J. Stasin
Joseph E. Stewart
Gordon W. Walters
Matthew Watson
Miles L. Webb
James L. Young
The Books of Remembrance
This Veterans Affairs Canada site displays each page from the
beautiful Books of
Remembrance which are located in the Peace Tower on Parliament Hill in Ottawa,
Ontario. One of the other features of the Veterans Affairs Canada website
is the
Canadian Virtual War Memorial
which welcomes digital images of photos and personal memorabilia of
all those who are commemorated.
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
This site commemorates all members of the Commonwealth Forces who died
in WWI and WWII along with 60,000 civilian casualties of WWII.
The Canadian Navy
of Yesterday and Today This site created by
Sandy McClearn presents information about the ships and aircraft of Canada's
Navy. Sandy has listed many useful links and sources.
These pages are part of the huge
Haze Gray and Underway Naval History and Photography site.
Lest We Forget: HMCS Bras d'Or
This page which is part of the
Coat of Arms of J. Stewart a. Le Forte website,
features a beautiful painting of
HMCS Bras d'Or.
The Canadian Naval Chronicle 1939-1945: The Successes and Losses
of the Canadian Navy in World War Two,
Captain Robert A. Darlington
and Commander Fraser M. McKee.
Published by Vanwell Publishing Ltd.
of St. Catharines, Ontario, c.1996.
This book is an indispensable research tool for anyone interested in
the role of the Canadian Navy in WWII. The authors have also included
a chapter on Canadian merchant ships lost to enemy action
with a helpful glossary, an extensive bibliography,
various indexes and wide variety of other very useful
Sink All the Shipping There: Canada's Lost Wartime Merchant Ships and Fishing Schooner
by Commander Fraser McKee. Published by Vanwell Publishing, St. Catharines, Ontario, 2004, ISBN 1551250551.
Commander McKee's eagerly awaited new book about Canadian Merchant Navy losses,
is now
available from
Amazon Books. The book includes the full story of
HMCS Bras D'Or's capture of the Italian merchantman
Cap Noli
and the role played by the Canadian pilot and war hero,
Flight Lieutenant
(later Air Commodore)
Leonard J. Birchall,
"The Saviour of Ceylon".
The Longest Battle: The Royal Canadian Navy in the Atlantic
1939-1945, by John D. Harbron. Published by
Vanwell Publishing Ltd., St. Catharines, Ontario, c.1993, 1995.
Far Distant Ships: An Official Account of Canadian Naval Operations
in World War Two, by Lieutenant Commander Joseph Schull.
Published by Stoddart Publishing,
Toronto, c.1987. (First published in 1950).
The Sea is at Our Gates: The History of the Canadian Navy,
by Commander
Tony German. Published by McClelland and Stewart Inc.,
Toronto, c.1990.
Bill Lavery can be contacted at
Please visit the
HMCS Bras d'Or Guestbook
This page is maintained by Maureen Venzi and is part of the
Allied Merchant Navy of WWII website.